When looking to make the transition from law firm to a coveted position in-house, or for in-house privacy lawyers looking to distinguish themselves and be considered for more senior positions, being prepared and knowing what company CPOs/Executives look for beyond the resume experience, is key. A recent article written for IAPP by Vice President, Chief Privacy Officer at Adobe Systems, Alisa Bergman offers invaluable insight into the in-house privacy culture and the transferable skills that companies are looking for.
Unlike the law firm style of practice, companies look for candidates who demonstrate business acumen and the ability to interact with various teams and board members. According to If privacy principles are from Venus, then engineering rules are from Mars, Alisa Bergman explains why in today’s GDPR and privacy-inspired world, privacy professionals and software engineers need to find orbital alignment:
Whether you’re a privacy professional or a software engineer, you likely have many stories about the opportunities, challenges, and spirited debates within your organization, particularly in the recent run-up to the EU General Data Protection Regulation. Privacy and engineering teams ultimately share a common goal: to create great customer and user experiences. Getting there, however, can feel like the other team comes from a different planet. To engineers, privacy principles advanced by privacy professionals may appear to come from Venus, while to privacy pros, engineering rules may appear to come from Mars. In today’s GDPR and privacy-inspired world, these teams and their planets must find orbital alignment.
Reflections on the run-up to the GDPR remind us that the journey for all stakeholders hasn’t always been easy. But then again, it’s all about the journey — and looking back, it has been remarkable. Here are some of the consistent challenges both planets face as we learn how to better collaborate to define the privacy and engineering requirements that address the following high-level privacy principles:
To read the full article visit: https://iapp.org/news/a/if-privacy-principles-are-from-venus-then-engineering-rules-are-from-mars/. It is a must-read for anyone looking to improve their career and move up in their department.
About Alisa Bergman
Alisa Bergman is currently Vice President and Chief Privacy Officer at Adobe where she leads the Privacy, Trust & Safety team. Bergman has been a senior executive, global Chief Privacy Officer and law firm partner for the last 20 years. She has deep experience in privacy, data, emerging technologies, advanced advertising strategies, data security and incident response, data governance and information risk management, as well as legislative, regulatory and public policy matters, and government investigations. Prior to joining Adobe, Bergman was Senior Vice President and Chief Privacy Office at Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Before coming in-house, she was a law firm partner in three leading privacy practices (DLA Piper, Venable and Dentons) in Washington, DC and Brussels.
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